Misc (Use Blotter) at 2800 Craigs Creek Rd, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000811
Location: 2800 Craigs Creek Rd, London,
Latitude: 36.980979
Longitude: -084.253881
Common Name: Craigs Creek Boat Ramp
Activity: MMISC Misc (Use Blotter)
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 07/06/2024 3:06:14 PM
Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST2 Laurel County Rescue Service
RST7 Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 07/06/2024 15:06:15
EN Enroute 07/06/2024 15:07:25
AS On Scene 07/06/2024 15:22:53
CP Complete 07/06/2024 16:04:35
Unit Status Changes:
07/06/2024 15:06:19 LCRS W Dispatch
07/06/2024 15:07:25 RST2 2 Enroute
07/06/2024 15:08:11 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
07/06/2024 15:12:36 RST7 2 Enroute
07/06/2024 15:25:24 RST2 3 1097 (Scene)
07/06/2024 15:34:53 RST7 3 1097 (Scene)
07/06/2024 15:42:53 RST7 1 10-8 (Avail)
07/06/2024 15:54:58 RST2 1 10-8 (Avail)
will be at the dock
liz frazier
32 yo female
jumped off of rock, poss lung collapse
adv she had a lung resection recently
15:06:19 3733RD:
15:07:37 3746nj:adv fish and wildlife
15:07:37 3733RD:
15:08:09 3733RD:Removed Unit – LAS
15:08:11 3733RD:Removed Unit – LCRS
15:08:15 3733RD:
15:42:53 3747DK:Removed Officer – RESCUE
15:43:45 3733RD:Removed Officer – 1135CJ
16:04:35 3747DK:Incident Closed
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