Missing Person at 161 Woodchuck Ln, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400002859
Location: 161 Woodchuck Ln, London,
Activity: LMISP Missing Person
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 02/18/2024 8:54:03 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 02/18/2024 20:54:09
EN Enroute 02/18/2024 20:57:07
AS On Scene 02/18/2024 20:57:07
TR Transport Enroute 02/18/2024 21:28:48
CP Complete 02/18/2024 23:05:35
TC Transport Complete 02/18/2024 23:05:35
Unit Status Changes:
adv family wants to report a male missing,
20:54:09 3738sr:
20:58:46 3738sr:adv dps memeber got a call from jr swiss colony fire member, found a gargbage bag in the woods near a cliff with males belongings inside ricky goforth. ( uncle ) of firefighter.
21:08:41 3738sr:Removed Unit – LSO
21:16:45 3738sr:1141 adv going to stage for a seacrch at otts staged
21:18:32 3738sr:1700 signal 2 at the building in ref to landsearch for missing male.
21:18:40 3738sr:
21:20:49 3739HS:1141 adv he has located male walking out of woods at clearview ct
21:24:58 3739HS:1141 req get on call bailiff enr sig4 for 202a
21:25:19 3738sr:Removed Unit – LCRS
21:26:04 3739HS:on call notified
21:29:01 3739HS:Removed Unit – DPS
22:02:47 3738sr:Removed Unit – S1141
22:02:47 3738sr:Removed Officer – 1141SM
22:02:47 3738sr:Set Primary Officer – 1195MC
22:02:55 3738sr:Removed Unit – DPS1308
22:02:56 3738sr:Removed Unit – DPS1306
23:05:31 3738sr:1195 adv 97 98 hazard enr back to london
23:05:35 3738sr:Incident Closed