Non-Injury Accident at 692 Left Fork Fishermans Cove Rd, London, 40741
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400001227
Location: 692 Left Fork Fishermans Cove Rd, London, 40741
Activity: 01045 Non-Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 01/23/2024 7:56:37 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 01/23/2024 19:56:55
EN Enroute 01/23/2024 19:58:08
AS On Scene 01/23/2024 20:01:23
TR Transport Enroute 01/23/2024 20:36:52
TA Transport On Scene 01/23/2024 20:36:52
TC Transport Complete 01/23/2024 22:38:37
CP Complete 01/23/2024 22:38:37
Unit Status Changes:
veh over enbankment by the driveway on its side,
log house red roof,
unk on injury caller is 3rd party lives accrossed the river.
19:56:55 3738sr:
19:56:55 3738sr:
19:56:55 3738sr:
19:59:22 3714JP:Removed Unit – LAS
19:59:23 3714JP:Removed Unit – LCRS
19:59:25 3714JP:Removed Unit – LSO
20:07:50 3738sr:eb61 adv entraPMENT NEG INJURYS
20:09:10 3714JP:Removed Unit – EBFD
20:15:03 3714JP:pt extricated
20:17:45 3718PC:Removed Officer – RESCUE
20:17:45 3718PC:Set Primary Officer – 1138BR
20:36:45 3714JP:1106 adv veh in driveway, subj not req a report ; 1015 x 1 male
21:05:36 3718PC:Removed Officer – 1138BR
21:05:36 3718PC:Set Primary Officer – 1106GM
21:11:37 3738sr:tjs to pick up the veh, out the driveway,
22:38:37 3718PC:Incident Closed