The London-Laurel County Rescue Squad exists to provide life-saving rescue services to the citizens and visitors of Laurel County.
The mission of the London – Laurel Rescue Squad and its members will be to respond to calls for assistance with incidents involving but not limited to auto accidents, search and rescue operations (including canine operations), drowning / near drowning, high/low angle rope operations, water rescue/recovery (including surface and subsurface operations), swift water rescue, trench rescue, building collapse, farm-related rescues, confined space incidents, off-road incidents, animal rescue, and acts of terrorism.
Officers Complete NFA ICS for Structure Collapse
Three London-Laurel Rescue Squad officers completed the Incident Command System (ICS) for Structure Collapse training this weekend. This course is through NFA/FEMA and was conducted at the NFA Weekend 2024 in Mt. Sterling, KY.
In emergency response, understanding all levels of command is paramount, particularly in high-stress situations like structure collapses. By equipping our team with advanced training opportunities like the ICS for Structure Collapse course, we ensure they have the skills and knowledge to effectively lead and coordinate during challenging scenarios.
Structure collapse incidents may be as small as a vehicle colliding into a structure to large emergencies like the recent tornados that hit Western KY and the floods in Eastern KY. Understanding command, finances, logistics, operations, and planning is essential to the success of rescue and recovery missions.
Thank you State Fire Rescue Training District 15 and Montgomery Fire Department for hosting great instruction and conversations about understanding and controlling large-scale emergency response.

We invite all emergency response agencies in Laurel County to train with us on any of our in-house training nights.