Code Yellow No Injury at 2531 County Farm Rd, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000090
Location: 2531 County Farm Rd, London,
Activity: 1045Y Code Yellow No Injury
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 01/24/2024 4:07:49 PM
Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST4 Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 01/24/2024 16:08:01
EN Enroute 01/24/2024 16:09:08
AS On Scene 01/24/2024 16:18:13
CP Complete 01/24/2024 17:19:54
Unit Status Changes:
01/24/2024 16:08:01 LCRS W Dispatch
01/24/2024 16:09:05 RST4 W Dispatch
01/24/2024 16:09:08 RST4 2 Enroute
01/24/2024 16:11:08 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
01/24/2024 16:18:13 RST4 3 1097 (Scene)
01/24/2024 16:29:12 RST4 1 10-8 (Avail)
adv the bus is stuck in the ditch and cant get out, bus is leaning, blocking the roadway, code yellow
16:08:01 3738sr:
16:08:01 3738sr:
16:08:01 3738sr:
16:09:23 3731CE:Removed Unit – LSO
16:10:47 3731CE:Removed Unit – LAS
16:11:08 3731CE:Removed Unit – LCRS
16:13:06 3738sr:
16:16:03 3731CE:1132 adv roadway is slick in the curve
16:16:38 3731CE:1438 adv signal 8 all of SCFD units
16:18:07 3731CE:1132 adv signal 8 everyone
16:20:34 3738sr:Removed Unit – SCFD
16:20:58 3738sr:back end of trhe bus is in the ditch wrecker is on the way
16:23:28 3738sr:Removed Unit – SCFC5
16:26:47 3738sr:state #20240362
16:29:12 3731CE:Removed Officer – Rescue
16:29:12 3731CE:Set Primary Officer – 1132AW
17:19:54 3738sr:Incident Closed