Attempt To Locate at 100 Barbourville Rd, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400001221
Location: 100 Barbourville Rd, London,
Latitude: 37.110494
Longitude: -084.066578
Activity: LATL Attempt To Locate
Disposition: TA TOT Other Agncy
Time reported: 01/25/2024 7:03:57 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 01/25/2024 19:03:59
EN Enroute 01/25/2024 19:05:35
AS On Scene 01/25/2024 19:05:46
CP Complete 01/25/2024 19:11:43
Unit Status Changes:
6069099450, at&t
2021 blk rav 4
single veh vs telephone
x2 occupants pos both injured, unk where they are at on 229
alt 88. 6069090581
19:04:06 3737SS:
19:05:35 3710TW:
19:07:02 3737SS:1106 adv to ping cell phone
19:09:49 3737SS:37reynolds made contact w knox co, 10-46 is in knox co, all units adv to sig 4
19:11:39 3737SS:caller was notified
19:11:43 3737SS:Incident Closed