Injury Accident at 3061 E Highway 312, Corbin,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at 3061 E Highway 312, Corbin,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400001337
Location: 3061 E Highway 312, Corbin,
Latitude: 36.969582
Longitude: -084.130875
Common Name: 312 Bridge
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: TA TOT Other Agncy
Time reported: 01/25/2024 6:06:24 PM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 01/25/2024 18:06:26
EN Enroute 01/25/2024 18:07:33
AS On Scene 01/25/2024 18:12:42
CP Complete 01/25/2024 18:13:58

Unit Status Changes:

single veh, truck into rock wall, unk injuries, unk entrapment
caller unable to adv if it is on the laurel or whitley side of the bridge

18:06:26 3737SS: KVFD-202400000008
18:06:26 3737SS: LAS-202400000856
18:06:26 3737SS: LCRS-202400000095
18:08:38 3737SS:Removed Unit – KVFD
18:08:39 3737SS:Removed Unit – LCRS
18:08:40 3737SS:Removed Unit – LSO
18:08:45 3737SS:Removed Unit – LAS2
18:12:24 3737SS:kyp3 adv wreck is on the whitley co side, 1045 only
18:13:12 3737SS:corbin pd notified
18:13:58 3737SS:Incident Closed