Boat Sunk at 2800 Craigs Creek Rd, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400002012
Location: 2800 Craigs Creek Rd, London,
Latitude: 36.980979
Longitude: -084.253881
Common Name: Craigs Creek Boat Ramp
Activity: LBOAT Boat Sunk
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 02/05/2024 5:23:11 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 02/05/2024 17:24:55
EN Enroute 02/05/2024 17:25:15
AS On Scene 02/05/2024 17:45:35
CP Complete 02/05/2024 18:39:56
Unit Status Changes:
bass boat sinking, nobody on the boat. caller couldnt adv exactly where at the boat was sinking, but adv he could show responders. language barrier between the caller and 1037.
male standing by on the boat ramp.
17:24:55 3736JA:
17:24:55 3736JA:
17:24:55 3736JA:
17:26:48 3736JA:Removed Unit – DPS
17:26:53 3736JA:Removed Unit – LCRS
17:34:15 3702tp:Removed Unit – LSO
17:40:16 3733RD:
17:40:26 3736JA:fish and wild life notified
17:49:10 3736JA:rescue 2 adv they are 104, standing by for fish and wild life
18:38:53 3736JA:Removed Officer – RESCUE
18:39:56 3736JA:Incident Closed