Bleeding at 7800 N Us Highway 25, East Bernstadt,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Bleeding at 7800 N Us Highway 25, East Bernstadt,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000229
Location: 7800 N Us Highway 25, East Bernstadt,
Common Name: Wildcat Offroad Park
Activity: MBLEE Bleeding
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/02/2024 3:14:59 AM

Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST11 Laurel County Rescue Service
RST2 Laurel County Rescue Service

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/02/2024 03:15:25
EN Enroute 03/02/2024 03:17:53
AS On Scene 03/02/2024 03:26:00
CP Complete 03/02/2024 07:36:10

Unit Status Changes:
03/02/2024 03:15:25 LCRS W Dispatch
03/02/2024 03:17:51 RST11 W Dispatch
03/02/2024 03:17:53 RST11 2 Enroute
03/02/2024 03:18:34 RST2 2 Enroute
03/02/2024 03:19:04 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/02/2024 03:26:13 RST2 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/02/2024 03:26:20 RST2 3 1097 (Scene)
03/02/2024 03:31:53 RST11 3 1097 (Scene)
03/02/2024 03:58:06 RST11 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/02/2024 03:58:22 RST11 2 Enroute
03/02/2024 03:58:28 RST11 8 Enr St Joe
03/02/2024 04:24:33 RST11 C Arrv Hosp
03/02/2024 04:24:39 RST11 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/02/2024 04:34:58 RST2 1 10-8 (Avail)

42 year old male bleeding from the knee poss from a fall,

come to the left first camper on the left tan and green pop up,

03:15:26 3738sr: LCRS-202400000229
03:15:28 3738sr: EBFD-202400000067
03:19:04 3738sr:Removed Unit – LCRS
03:19:10 3738sr:Removed Unit – LAS
03:20:36 3744bj:Removed Unit – EBFD
03:26:13 3744bj:Removed Unit – RST2
03:37:58 3738sr: LSO-202400003683
03:38:05 3738sr:adv poss gsw to the leg
03:39:43 3738sr:req check flight
03:40:43 3738sr:torniquet apllyed at 3:39
03:41:55 3738sr:130lb male
03:43:30 3744bj:air evac advised air evac 179 is declining in the whole area
03:43:36 3744bj:air evac is checking with phi now
03:43:51 3744bj:air evac 179 declining due to weather
03:46:05 3744bj:command 61 advised check and see if air evac can fly from london corbin airport, air evac advised negative. phi is checking weather
03:48:04 3738sr:tim with phi adv declined
03:48:42 3738sr:Removed Unit – LSO
04:19:43 3738sr:medical adv it could poss be a gsw or puncture wound
04:22:44 3738sr:1105 adv call 1118
04:23:35 3744bj:1105 has notified 1111 and 1103 of situation
04:23:43 3738sr:1134 adv doctor said a pucture wound,
04:24:33 3738sr:puncture wound
04:25:15 3738sr:1105 adv signal 8 for now on 1118
05:21:44 3744bj:1134 advised after more xrays, doctors are locating a lodged bullet inside of patients buttocks. 1134 advised the bullet entered into his leg and traveled up to his buttocks and is now lodged there.
06:00:18 3744bj:1134 back on scene, advised everything has been packed off
06:31:09 3702tp:1134 adv turn timer off
06:47:45 3739HS:1134 adv he gathered the rest of the evidence
07:16:07 3739HS:Removed Unit – S1134
07:16:07 3739HS:Removed Officer – 1134BG
07:34:16 1123TN:.45 casing recovered at St. Joseph.
07:36:10 3739HS:Incident Closed