Injury With Entrapment at Highway 30 Bypass/E Hal Rogers Pky, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury With Entrapment at Highway 30 Bypass/E Hal Rogers Pky, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000236
Location: Highway 30 Bypass/E Hal Rogers Pky, London,
Latitude: 37.144866
Longitude: -084.082572
Activity: 1046E Injury With Entrapment
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/03/2024 9:11:33 AM

Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST2 Laurel County Rescue Service
RST26 Laurel County Rescue
RST5 Laurel County Rescue Service

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/03/2024 09:11:45
EN Enroute 03/03/2024 09:13:03
AS On Scene 03/03/2024 09:16:15
CP Complete 03/03/2024 09:50:04

Unit Status Changes:
03/03/2024 09:12:05 LCRS W Dispatch
03/03/2024 09:13:39 RST26 2 Enroute
03/03/2024 09:13:57 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/03/2024 09:15:22 RST2 2 Enroute
03/03/2024 09:17:01 RST5 2 Enroute
03/03/2024 09:17:06 RST2 3 1097 (Scene)
03/03/2024 09:17:44 RST26 3 1097 (Scene)
03/03/2024 09:31:58 RST5 3 1097 (Scene)
03/03/2024 09:50:03 RST2 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/03/2024 09:50:03 RST26 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/03/2024 09:50:04 RST5 1 10-8 (Avail)

honda accord vs other car

fem req ems unk injuries

09:12:03 3739HS: LFD-202400000285
09:12:04 3739HS: LAS-202400002187
09:12:05 3739HS: LCRS-202400000236
09:13:15 3702tp:Removed Unit – LFD
09:13:46 3702tp:Removed Unit – LAS
09:13:54 3702tp:Removed Unit – LPD
09:13:57 3702tp:Removed Unit – LCRS
09:16:53 3739HS:111 adv 2 pts, confirmed entrapment
09:41:49 3702tp:Removed Unit – A306
09:50:04 3738sr:Incident Closed