Injury Hit and Run at 7935 Barbourville Rd, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400004600
Location: 7935 Barbourville Rd, London,
Latitude: 37.035161
Longitude: -083.981719
Common Name: Benges Grocery
Activity: 1046H Injury Hit and Run
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/17/2024 7:44:34 AM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/17/2024 07:44:37
EN Enroute 03/17/2024 07:47:02
AS On Scene 03/17/2024 07:52:08
CP Complete 03/17/2024 08:33:13
Unit Status Changes:
caller adv male ran outside to someone stealing his car, white ford explorer, tried to get the person out of veh
adv veh went 98 toward knox co
male was drug by veh, knee injury
owner of veh name is brandon stewart
07:45:00 3702tp:
07:45:00 3702tp:
07:45:00 3702tp:
07:47:08 3739HS:Removed Unit – LCRS
07:49:06 3702tp:spoke w/ owner’s wife who is enr as well. her number is 606-492-3091
07:49:11 3702tp:Removed Unit – CGFD
07:49:13 3702tp:Removed Unit – LAS
07:49:22 3739HS:knox co notified
07:51:37 3739HS:Removed Unit – LSO
07:55:17 3702tp:1100 req phi on standby for poss internal injuries. la52 adv 104 to put air medical on standby
07:58:37 3702tp:air evac transport requested at this time. pending
08:04:33 3739HS:air evac adv phi has accepted
08:05:08 3739HS:Removed Unit – RST26
08:11:11 3702tp:1100 adv la52 adv sig8 helicopter
08:19:23 3702tp:Removed Unit – A304
08:21:02 3702tp:Removed Unit – CMT4
08:21:04 3702tp:Removed Unit – CMT1
08:33:13 3702tp:Incident Closed