Injury With Entrapment at 8400blk E Laurel Rd, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000294
Location: 8400blk E Laurel Rd, London,
Latitude: 37.083350
Longitude: -083.919040
Activity: 1046E Injury With Entrapment
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/17/2024 8:30:13 PM
Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST26 Laurel County Rescue
RST5 Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/17/2024 20:30:14
EN Enroute 03/17/2024 20:30:29
AS On Scene 03/17/2024 20:35:05
CP Complete 03/17/2024 22:04:26
Unit Status Changes:
03/17/2024 20:30:16 LCRS W Dispatch
03/17/2024 20:30:25 RST26 W Dispatch
03/17/2024 20:30:29 RST26 2 Enroute
03/17/2024 20:30:32 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/17/2024 20:31:21 RST5 W Dispatch
03/17/2024 20:31:26 RST5 2 Enroute
03/17/2024 20:43:26 RST26 3 1097 (Scene)
03/17/2024 21:50:35 RST5 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/17/2024 21:50:52 RST26 1 10-8 (Avail)
single vehicle in the ditch, atleast one person in the vehicle, unknown injuries, unknown entrapment
caller lives nearby and saw them wreck
20:30:14 3744bj:
20:30:15 3744bj:
20:30:16 3744bj:
20:30:32 3718PC:Removed Unit – LCRS
20:30:34 3718PC:Removed Unit – LSO
20:34:03 3744bj:Removed Unit – LAS
20:34:04 3731CE:Removed Unit – BUFD
20:34:59 3744bj:311 enroute in LA51
20:40:13 3718PC:412 ADV ONE ENTRAPTMENT AND POSS 10-7
20:41:33 3744bj:fire unit on scene advised subject is not 10-7, advised check flight status
20:41:54 3731CE:345 adv put air medical on standby
20:44:06 3718PC:PER 345 / 412 REQ FOR STANDBY OF AIRCRAFT
20:51:23 3731CE:311 adv activate flight
20:51:47 3731CE:Adv they can possible due a scene flight at the scene in nearby field.
20:52:43 3718PC:496
20:53:45 3744bj:
20:54:13 3744bj:833 enroute to take paint to 1126 to mark roadway
20:55:26 3718PC:37 04.9478 / -83 55.3222
21:01:04 3731CE:145lbs male multisystem trauma
21:05:02 3731CE:contacted air evac public service and updated them
21:15:28 3731CE:air evac online program not updating, calling air evac to try and get an update.
21:17:57 3731CE:air evac giving conflicting information on the phone. This operator states they don’t look like they have launched yet but are launching now. The previous operator stated they lifted well over 5 minutes ago.
21:20:00 3731CE:412 adv they have a visual on the aircraft at this time
21:21:09 3731CE:Flight was activated from standby at 20:51, aircraft is showing that they launched at 21:19 hrs for the log.
21:24:27 3744bj:311 advised air evac on the ground at this time
21:50:35 3718PC:Removed Officer – RESCUE
21:53:19 3718PC:Removed Officer – 1132AW
21:53:21 3731CE:345 adv air evac off the ground enroute to UKMC
22:04:26 3718PC:Incident Closed