Injury Accident at Alsip Rd/London Dock Rd, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at Alsip Rd/London Dock Rd, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000330
Location: Alsip Rd/London Dock Rd, London,
Latitude: 36.972065
Longitude: -084.310613
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/30/2024 1:04:41 AM

Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST2 Laurel County Rescue Service
RST26 Laurel County Rescue
RST9 Laurel County Rescue Service

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/30/2024 01:04:57
EN Enroute 03/30/2024 01:05:58
AS On Scene 03/30/2024 01:24:53
CP Complete 03/30/2024 01:41:38

Unit Status Changes:
03/30/2024 01:04:59 LCRS W Dispatch
03/30/2024 01:07:35 RST2 W Dispatch
03/30/2024 01:07:38 RST2 2 Enroute
03/30/2024 01:08:07 RST26 W Dispatch
03/30/2024 01:08:13 RST26 2 Enroute
03/30/2024 01:12:03 RST9 2 Enroute
03/30/2024 01:12:33 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/30/2024 01:12:38 RST26 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/30/2024 01:26:04 RST2 3 1097 (Scene)
03/30/2024 01:26:59 RST9 3 1097 (Scene)
03/30/2024 01:36:35 RST9 1 10-8 (Avail)
03/30/2024 01:36:38 RST2 1 10-8 (Avail)

two dirtbike 46
caller third party
unk injuries

01:04:57 3733RD: BDFD-202400000004
01:04:58 3733RD: LAS-202400003086
01:04:59 3733RD: LCRS-202400000330
01:06:36 3733RD:Removed Unit – LAS
01:09:44 3738sr:1 male meeting at the bald rock, fd scraps on the arms.
01:10:24 3738sr:1001 london dock rd
01:17:04 3744bj:fire unit advised 18 y/o male possible broken wrist, lacerations on hand
01:20:46 3738sr:adv it was on a gravel rd, and they had come pov to callers res, so he took them to the fd down the road,
01:36:36 3748AI:Removed Officer – RESCUE
01:37:23 3744bj:bald rock 905 was on scene
01:39:22 3744bj:Removed Officer – 1134BG
01:39:35 3744bj:1134 advised both males declining ems
01:39:50 3744bj:1134 advised they are not requesting a report
01:41:38 3744bj:Incident Closed