Injury Accident at 6159 E Laurel Rd, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at 6159 E Laurel Rd, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400007358
Location: 6159 E Laurel Rd, London,
Latitude: 37.081845
Longitude: -083.958359
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: U Unable to Locte
Time reported: 04/30/2024 8:21:37 PM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 04/30/2024 20:22:10
EN Enroute 04/30/2024 20:23:27
AS On Scene 04/30/2024 20:31:42
CP Complete 04/30/2024 20:37:37

Unit Status Changes:

LAT: +037.0818615
LON: -083.9583135
T=321 ALT UNC=00005

lat 37.0819
lon -83.9583

20:22:10 3747DK: BUFD-202400000035
20:22:11 3747DK: LAS-202400004143
20:22:11 3747DK: LCRS-202400000468
20:23:59 3714JP:Removed Unit – LAS
20:24:01 3714JP:Removed Unit – LCRS
20:27:02 3714JP:Removed Unit – BUFD
20:27:11 3747DK:try calling the phone x2 no answer
20:30:40 3718PC:412 adv several units came in fron diff direction and was utl, pass along to ohe units to back it down.
20:31:00 3718PC:lso,la and rescue has been adv.
20:35:45 3714JP:Removed Unit – LSO
20:35:59 3714JP:412 adv UTL from second Marydell Rd entrance back to 192
20:37:37 3718PC:Incident Closed

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