Non-Injury Accident at 48 S I-75, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Non-Injury Accident at 48 S I-75, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400007890
Location: 48 S I-75, London,
Activity: 01045 Non-Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 05/09/2024 6:30:18 AM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 05/09/2024 06:30:20
EN Enroute 05/09/2024 06:43:09
AS On Scene 05/09/2024 06:58:32
CP Complete 05/09/2024 08:41:41

Unit Status Changes:

white ford f150

06:42:39 3703JS: EBFD-202400000139
06:43:01 3703JS:208 adv page eb for traffic control fast lane has debris and 45s are happening
06:43:11 3739HS:Removed Unit – EBFD
06:58:40 3703JS: LCRS-202400000512
07:01:20 3703JS: LCFD-202400000185
07:07:59 3703JS:205 adv candido’s on scene
07:12:31 3703JS:Removed Unit – LSO
07:12:34 3703JS: KSP-202400000107
07:14:52 3703JS:Removed Officer – Rescue
07:57:16 3739HS: DPS-202400000175
07:57:55 3739HS: KYTC-202400000032
07:58:27 3739HS:Removed Unit – KYTC
08:25:22 3703JS:state high adv got the debris up and can open the interstate back up
08:26:45 3739HS:Removed Unit – LCF2151
08:41:41 3703JS:Incident Closed

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