Injury Accident at 1301 Highway 490, East Bernstadt,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at 1301 Highway 490, East Bernstadt,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400009730
Location: 1301 Highway 490, East Bernstadt,
Latitude: 37.192116
Longitude: -084.118148
Common Name: Dollar General
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 06/07/2024 6:48:41 PM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 06/07/2024 18:50:08
EN Enroute 06/07/2024 18:50:47
AS On Scene 06/07/2024 18:56:47
CP Complete 06/07/2024 19:24:57

Unit Status Changes:

caller adv that a car carsh around the cxs unknown on entrapment

18:50:08 3747DK: EBFD-202400000162
18:50:09 3747DK: LAS-202400005361
18:50:10 3747DK: LCRS-202400000662
18:51:57 3747DK:Removed Unit – LAS
18:58:24 3736JA:310 adv 10-45 only
18:58:41 3702tp: KSP-202400000136
18:59:45 3702tp:Removed Unit – LA48
18:59:47 3702tp:Removed Unit – EBE61
19:24:57 3747DK:Incident Closed

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