Injury Accident at Brennan Ln/Keavy Rd, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at Brennan Ln/Keavy Rd, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000086
Location: Brennan Ln/Keavy Rd, London,
Latitude: 37.046767
Longitude: -084.110915
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 01/23/2024 3:53:52 PM

Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST4 Laurel County Rescue Service

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 01/23/2024 15:54:19
EN Enroute 01/23/2024 15:54:59
AS On Scene 01/23/2024 16:02:51
CP Complete 01/23/2024 17:18:04

Unit Status Changes:
01/23/2024 15:54:19 LCRS W Dispatch
01/23/2024 15:54:59 RST4 2 Enroute
01/23/2024 15:55:07 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
01/23/2024 16:03:14 RST4 3 1097 (Scene)
01/23/2024 16:21:19 RST4 1 10-8 (Avail)


15:54:19 3705ES: KVFD-202400000006
15:54:19 3705ES: LAS-202400000779
15:54:19 3705ES: LCRS-202400000086
15:55:05 3736JA:Removed Unit – LSO
15:55:07 3736JA:Removed Unit – LCRS
15:57:21 3736JA:Removed Unit – KVFD
16:03:43 3736JA: ECO-202400000005
16:03:48 3736JA: DPS-202400000034
16:04:08 3738sr:veh poss leaking fuel deisel
16:04:22 3736JA:rst 4 adv diesel dump truck leaking fluid
16:07:44 3736JA:2003 adv they would have someone enroute
16:07:52 3736JA:1322 copy
16:08:02 3736JA:Removed Unit – DPS
16:11:28 3736JA:1703 adv hydrolic fluid
16:11:45 3738sr:203 avd poss 30 gallons of hydrolic fluid
16:21:19 3738sr:Removed Unit – RST4
16:21:19 3738sr:Removed Officer – Rescue
16:21:19 3738sr:Set Primary Officer – 1138BR
16:22:04 3736JA:4735 keavy rd