Vehicle VS Structure at 1744 W Highway 192, LONDON,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400002026
Location: 1744 W Highway 192, LONDON,
Activity: 1046S Vehicle VS Structure
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 02/07/2024 11:12:37 AM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 02/07/2024 11:12:53
EN Enroute 02/07/2024 11:13:25
AS On Scene 02/07/2024 11:17:39
CP Complete 02/07/2024 12:19:24
Unit Status Changes:
car ran through the building, unsure extent of injuries or entrapment. evacuating the building at this time.
11:12:53 3702tp:
11:12:53 3702tp:
11:12:53 3702tp:
11:12:53 3702tp:
11:13:27 3720sc:Removed Unit – LPD
11:14:24 3702tp:Removed Unit – LAS
11:14:42 3720sc:Removed Unit – LFD
11:14:44 3720sc:Removed Unit – LCRS
11:17:24 3702tp:110 adv veh is about halfway through the building. pretty significant damage to the structure. pt still in the veh. no entrapment. getting ready to get pt out at this time
11:18:22 3702tp:Removed Unit – DPS
11:19:33 3702tp:897 adv building inspector has been notified and he is enr
11:24:14 3720sc:NO REC ON TAG G0Y933
11:24:29 3702tp:845 adv that subjs are stating a russell vaughn was a passenger in the veh and he went 1098
11:25:56 3720sc:NO REC ON VIN 2HGFA16509H546467
11:29:36 3702tp:Removed Unit – LA49
11:49:56 3720sc:Removed Officer – RESCUE
11:52:26 3720sc:Removed Officer – FIRE1
12:01:03 3703JS:20240553 state incident number
12:10:24 3702tp:845 adv turn timers off
12:18:19 3702tp:Removed Unit – P845
12:18:19 3702tp:Removed Officer – 845DM
12:18:19 3702tp:Set Primary Officer – FIRE3
12:18:30 3702tp:Removed Unit – P825
12:18:30 3702tp:Removed Officer – 825JH
12:18:34 3702tp:Removed Unit – P897
12:18:34 3702tp:Removed Officer – 897RC
12:18:52 3702tp:Removed Unit – RST1
12:19:24 3703JS:Incident Closed