Injury Accident at Garage Rd/E Highway 312, Keavy, 40737

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at Garage Rd/E Highway 312, Keavy, 40737

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000176
Location: Garage Rd/E Highway 312, Keavy, 40737
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 02/15/2024 6:59:08 AM

Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST23 Laurel County Rescue
RST26 Laurel County Rescue

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 02/15/2024 06:59:22
EN Enroute 02/15/2024 07:00:20
AS On Scene 02/15/2024 07:03:52
CP Complete 02/15/2024 09:14:48

Unit Status Changes:
02/15/2024 06:59:22 LCRS W Dispatch
02/15/2024 07:00:15 RST26 W Dispatch
02/15/2024 07:00:18 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
02/15/2024 07:00:20 RST26 2 Enroute
02/15/2024 07:01:07 RST23 2 Enroute
02/15/2024 07:10:53 RST23 1 10-8 (Avail)
02/15/2024 07:10:55 RST26 1 10-8 (Avail)

gordon hill over the ledge 312 on left side down the embankment single vehicle corey bailey hit head needs ems poss downed power lines in the area

06:59:22 3703JS: KVFD-202400000015
06:59:22 3703JS: LAS-202400001600
06:59:22 3703JS: LCRS-202400000176
07:00:18 3703JS:Removed Unit – LCRS
07:00:25 3703JS:Removed Unit – LSO
07:01:19 3703JS:Removed Unit – LAS2
07:05:17 3703JS:2nd page keavy
07:06:29 3703JS: DPS-202400000059
07:06:30 3739HS:316 adv power lines down, roadway shut down
07:06:37 3703JS: KYTC-202400000014
07:07:18 3739HS:Removed Unit – KVFD
07:07:48 3739HS:312 adv check flight status for standby
07:09:49 3739HS:Removed Unit – DPS
07:10:53 3739HS:Removed Unit – RST23
07:10:53 3739HS:Removed Officer – RESCUE
07:10:55 3739HS:Removed Unit – RST26
07:11:16 3739HS:rst23 adv recue unit on scene adv units can sig8
07:14:34 3703JS:flight status req sent for standby
07:14:47 3703JS:204 req contact at&t for their lines are down
07:18:50 3703JS:state incident no 20240657
07:30:30 3739HS:at&t notified, ticket created
07:30:41 3703JS:la52 adv sig 8 aero medical
07:34:34 3739HS:1109 adv 4 separate wrecks caused by this one
08:30:57 3739HS:Removed Unit – S1109
08:30:57 3739HS:Removed Officer – 1109BR
08:30:57 3739HS:Set Primary Officer – DPS1
08:31:12 3739HS:1109 adv at&t 97, fire dept standing by with them
09:14:48 3739HS:Incident Closed