Injury Accident at 33 N I-75, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400002854
Location: 33 N I-75, London,
Common Name: Northbound Scales
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 02/18/2024 7:51:27 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 02/18/2024 19:51:51
EN Enroute 02/18/2024 19:52:50
AS On Scene 02/18/2024 20:00:01
CP Complete 02/18/2024 20:52:06
Unit Status Changes:
2 veh poss 46.
19:51:51 3738sr:
19:51:51 3738sr:
19:51:51 3738sr:
19:54:20 3739HS:Removed Unit – LAS
19:54:23 3739HS:Removed Unit – LCFD
19:59:44 3738sr:
20:01:20 3738sr:Removed Unit – LSO
20:03:33 3738sr:1704, adv extercation
20:04:20 3738sr:203 has cammand
20:05:36 3738sr:1123 adv traffic stopped at this time
20:06:45 3738sr:female 6 months perg hip fracture
20:08:54 3738sr:adv scene flight.
20:09:23 3738sr:
20:10:42 3738sr:lz at the scale house
20:14:57 3738sr:1312 on scene inc #20240709
20:15:53 3738sr:female 180lb
20:16:12 3738sr:203 ground contact utac 14 at scale house
20:16:37 3738sr:paitents been extercated turned over to ems
20:19:39 3738sr:phi accepted eta 10 to 15min,
20:33:33 3746NJ:phi 1 lifted 4 min eta
20:37:51 3738sr:phi on the ground
20:41:19 3738sr:Removed Unit – RST26
20:43:53 3739HS:Removed Unit – RST1
20:43:53 3739HS:Removed Officer – RESCUE
20:43:53 3739HS:Set Primary Officer – 1123CM
20:45:11 3746NJ:Removed Officer – 3743GB
20:47:07 3739HS:1123 adv units opening up fast lane
20:51:13 3746NJ:phi off ground enrt uk
20:52:06 3739HS:Incident Closed