Injury Hit and Run at 2174 W Highway 192, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400003632
Location: 2174 W Highway 192, London,
Latitude: 37.111000
Longitude: -084.098760
Common Name: Fazolis
Activity: 1046H Injury Hit and Run
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/05/2024 12:20:03 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/05/2024 12:21:04
EN Enroute 03/05/2024 12:21:29
AS On Scene 03/05/2024 12:22:37
CP Complete 03/05/2024 12:41:16
Unit Status Changes:
been hit grey chevy hit the caller and left
ford fusion
heading towards w laurel rd
12:21:04 3736JA:
12:21:04 3736JA:
12:21:04 3736JA:
12:25:18 3736JA:Removed Unit – RST26
12:26:24 3703JS:Removed Unit – LPD
12:37:53 3703JS:Removed Officer – FIRE5
12:37:53 3703JS:Set Primary Officer – 825JH
12:39:10 3736JA:Removed Officer – 825JH
12:39:10 3736JA:Set Primary Officer – 839AL
12:39:12 3736JA:Removed Officer – 839AL
12:41:16 3736JA:Incident Closed