Injury Accident at 525 Whitley St, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400004401
Location: 525 Whitley St, London,
Latitude: 37.113436
Longitude: -084.085414
Common Name: Laurel County Health Department
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 03/19/2024 4:33:25 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 03/19/2024 16:33:29
EN Enroute 03/19/2024 16:34:26
AS On Scene 03/19/2024 16:35:50
CP Complete 03/19/2024 18:28:20
Unit Status Changes:
16:33:29 3705ES:
16:33:29 3705ES:
16:33:29 3705ES:
16:43:03 3736JA:Removed Officer – RESCUE
16:43:03 3736JA:Set Primary Officer – FIRE5
16:57:57 3748AI:per 111 whitley st will be shut down for aprx 6 hrs
17:15:05 3705ES:KU ONSCENE
17:15:41 3736JA:
17:15:45 3736JA:Removed Officer – 1123CM
17:25:25 3736JA:Removed Officer – 813JI
17:25:27 3736JA:Removed Officer – 848MB
17:46:09 3748AI:Removed Unit – LA45
18:25:11 3748AI:111 adv whitley st is back open for now ku is enr once arrived city fire units will respond back out and shut the road down to reset the electric pole
18:28:20 3736JA:Incident Closed