Non-Injury Accident at Whitley St/W Highway 192 Nc, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400005146
Location: Whitley St/W Highway 192 Nc, London,
Latitude: 37.106370
Longitude: -084.084879
Activity: 01045 Non-Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 04/03/2024 8:20:21 AM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 04/03/2024 08:21:46
EN Enroute 04/03/2024 08:21:50
AS On Scene 04/03/2024 08:22:37
CP Complete 04/03/2024 08:50:29
Unit Status Changes:
10/46 caller stated she pulled out in front of someone and got hit
08:21:46 3702tp:
08:21:46 3702tp:
08:21:46 3702tp:
08:22:37 3748AI:
08:23:06 3702tp:310 and 1133 adv 1045 only
08:23:47 3702tp:Removed Unit – LPD
08:23:49 3702tp:Removed Unit – LFD
08:23:51 3702tp:Removed Unit – LAS
08:23:54 3702tp:Removed Unit – LCRS
08:33:47 3748AI:owner of the red dodge is req my 3 sons towing 838 adv that my 3 sons towing are already 1097
08:48:39 3748AI:Removed Officer – 1133GA
08:48:39 3748AI:Set Primary Officer – 838JW
08:49:57 3748AI:838 adv the owner of the suzuki req tj’s towing vehicle has been picked up
08:50:11 3748AI:Removed Officer – 838JW
08:50:11 3748AI:Set Primary Officer – 825JH
08:50:12 3748AI:Removed Officer – 825JH
08:50:25 3748AI:vehicles are loaded up city units 1098
08:50:29 3748AI:Incident Closed