Missing Person at 1457 Pine Grove School Rd, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Missing Person at 1457 Pine Grove School Rd, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400006292
Location: 1457 Pine Grove School Rd, London,
Activity: LMISP Missing Person
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 04/13/2024 2:08:27 AM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 04/13/2024 02:08:47
EN Enroute 04/13/2024 02:09:41
AS On Scene 04/13/2024 02:14:25
CP Complete 04/13/2024 02:35:07

Unit Status Changes:

25 year old female austic, 04/08/1999 verbal high functioning wearing pink pj bottoms, unk top brown hair, mary lynn hall
last about an hour ago in the res,
caller adv she likes to walk around the area.

02:08:47 3738sr: DPS-202400000123
02:10:37 3738sr:1308 adv page rescue for a search
02:10:45 3738sr: LCRS-202400000384
02:15:44 3744bj:1700 advised LCRS can signal 8 at this time
02:16:15 3744bj:1301 advised he has located the subject beside 1488 pine grove school rd
02:33:09 3738sr:Removed Unit – RST7
02:33:09 3738sr:Removed Officer – RESCUE
02:33:11 3738sr:Removed Unit – DPS1308
02:33:13 3738sr:Removed Unit – LSO
02:33:15 3738sr:Removed Unit – LCRS
02:33:17 3738sr:Removed Unit – RST5
02:34:45 3738sr:1301 adv female has been turned over to her father declined la unit
02:35:03 3738sr:1134 adv if dps said female is 10-4 all uinits 98
02:35:07 3738sr:Incident Closed

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