Fracture at 7800 N Us Highway 25, East Bernstadt,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Fracture at 7800 N Us Highway 25, East Bernstadt,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400003576
Location: 7800 N Us Highway 25, East Bernstadt,
Latitude: 37.223070
Longitude: -084.183757
Common Name: Wildcat Offroad Park
Activity: MFRAT Fracture
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 04/13/2024 2:09:09 PM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 04/13/2024 14:09:32
EN Enroute 04/13/2024 14:11:42
AS On Scene 04/13/2024 14:17:31
CP Complete 04/13/2024 14:52:52

Unit Status Changes:

50 yo fem
slipped and fell
right leg poss broken leg

fem in the office

14:09:35 3739HS: LCRS-202400000390
14:09:37 3739HS: EBFD-202400000115
14:11:51 3746nj:Removed Unit – LCRS
14:13:14 3739HS:Removed Unit – LAS
14:52:52 3739HS:Incident Closed

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