Injury Accident at 305 Highway 80 W, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at 305 Highway 80 W, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000625
Location: 305 Highway 80 W, London,
Latitude: 37.144551
Longitude: -084.107963
Common Name: Gondolier
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 05/31/2024 7:40:34 PM

Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST2 Laurel County Rescue Service
RST26 Laurel County Rescue

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 05/31/2024 19:40:38
EN Enroute 05/31/2024 19:41:05
AS On Scene 05/31/2024 19:42:10
TR Transport Enroute 05/31/2024 19:50:37
TA Transport On Scene 05/31/2024 19:50:37
TC Transport Complete 05/31/2024 21:06:36
CP Complete 05/31/2024 21:06:36

Unit Status Changes:
05/31/2024 19:40:42 LCRS W Dispatch
05/31/2024 19:41:05 RST26 2 Enroute
05/31/2024 19:41:35 RST2 2 Enroute
05/31/2024 19:43:34 RST26 3 1097 (Scene)
05/31/2024 19:43:37 RST2 3 1097 (Scene)
05/31/2024 19:46:28 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
05/31/2024 19:49:42 RST2 1 10-8 (Avail)
05/31/2024 19:49:45 RST26 1 10-8 (Avail)

caller adv that they had some people try to leave without paying adv a worker try to chase them and they got hit by the car the car went 98

LAT: +037.1354842
LON: -084.0943551
T=346 ALT UNC=00019

19:40:39 3747dk: LFD-202400000624
19:40:41 3747dk: LAS-202400005157
19:40:42 3747dk: LCRS-202400000625
19:41:27 3736JA:medical arts building
19:41:40 3739HS:Removed Unit – LFD
19:42:07 3739HS:Removed Unit – LPD
19:43:02 3736JA:aaron bays, witness. 6064016077
19:44:25 3739HS: LSO-202400009248
19:45:32 3736JA:caller adv after leaving gondolier the vehicle went to w 10st, and a male got out of the vehicle. male got back into the vehicle and went 98 on n long street.
19:46:25 3739HS:Removed Unit – LAS
19:46:28 3739HS:Removed Unit – LCRS
19:49:42 3739HS:Removed Unit – RST2
19:49:45 3739HS:Removed Unit – RST26
19:49:47 3739HS:Removed Unit – S1126
19:49:47 3739HS:Removed Officer – 1126NB
19:50:01 3739HS:Removed Unit – A307
19:50:11 3736JA:Removed Officer – FIRE5
19:50:11 3736JA:Set Primary Officer – FIRE6
19:50:13 3736JA:Removed Officer – FIRE6
19:50:13 3736JA:Set Primary Officer – 848MB
19:57:05 3705ES:Removed Officer – 831DJ
19:59:45 3736JA:836 adv he has the receipt from gondolier and is enroute to n long st
20:11:54 3736JA:Removed Officer – 1126NB
20:13:51 3736JA:Removed Officer – 820RJ
20:15:05 3736JA:Removed Officer – 848MB
20:15:05 3736JA:Set Primary Officer – 817EW
20:18:38 3744bj:836 advised observation started 20:15
20:26:20 3744bj:836 advised subject does not want to contact an attorney, implied consent has been read, has consented to a breath test
20:45:26 3736JA:Removed Officer – 817EW
20:45:26 3736JA:Set Primary Officer – 849JC
21:06:36 3736JA:Incident Closed

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