Injury Accident at 28 N I-75, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at 28 N I-75, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400012692
Location: 28 N I-75, London,
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: CA Cancelled Alarm
Time reported: 07/22/2024 1:55:24 AM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 07/22/2024 01:55:31
EN Enroute 07/22/2024 01:56:42
CP Complete 07/22/2024 02:03:11

Unit Status Changes:

car in rock wall

01:55:31 3718PC: WKFD-202400000153
01:55:31 3718PC: LAS-202400006881
01:55:31 3718PC: LCRS-202400000875
01:56:18 3718PC:5025299427, additional caller staes he is driver and thinks everyone is ok, need checked out.
01:58:37 3718PC:Removed Unit – LAS2
01:58:40 3718PC:Removed Unit – LCRS
01:58:42 3718PC:Removed Unit – LSO
02:00:20 3749BN:Removed Officer – RESCUE
02:02:18 3718PC:rst26 adv they have units 97 and it is in whitley county and no entrapment
02:03:07 3718PC:whitley county has been adv
02:03:11 3718PC:Incident Closed

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