Injury Accident at 32 S I-75, London,

Notification from CIS Notification:

Injury Accident at 32 S I-75, London,

Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400012647
Location: 32 S I-75, London,
Activity: 01046 Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 07/21/2024 12:26:42 PM

Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 07/21/2024 12:26:50
EN Enroute 07/21/2024 12:26:50
AS On Scene 07/21/2024 12:36:43
CP Complete 07/21/2024 13:04:29

Unit Status Changes:

orange convertible vs guardrail

12:27:23 3746nj:beall,susan – hit head on steering wheel, nose bleeding
12:28:17 3746nj:wants ems to check her out – 7703631895
12:28:47 3746nj: LAS-202400006854
12:28:48 3746nj: LCRS-202400000872
12:28:49 3746nj: WKFD-202400000152
12:30:45 3746nj:Removed Unit – LAS2
12:30:58 3733RD:Removed Unit – LCRS
12:31:00 3733RD:Removed Unit – WKFD
12:36:39 3746nj:right lane blocked
12:37:51 3733RD:61 yof poss broken nose
12:39:32 3733RD:lane 3 shut down
12:39:46 3733RD: DPS-202400000285
12:39:48 3733RD: KYTC-202400000057
12:44:34 3746nj:1303 notified
13:02:16 3746nj:20242919 – state num. / dps
13:03:32 3747DK:Removed Officer – 1143MW
13:03:32 3747DK:Set Primary Officer – RESCUE
13:04:29 3733RD:Incident Closed

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