Non-Injury Accident at 29 N I-75, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400000569
Location: 29 N I-75, London,
Latitude: 37.234340
Longitude: -084.228844
Activity: 01045 Non-Injury Accident
Disposition: C Completed
Time reported: 05/23/2024 8:26:52 AM
Unit(s) responded:
LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
RST4 Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 05/23/2024 08:26:54
EN Enroute 05/23/2024 08:28:12
AS On Scene 05/23/2024 08:35:40
CP Complete 05/23/2024 09:00:15
Unit Status Changes:
05/23/2024 08:26:54 LCRS W Dispatch
05/23/2024 08:28:12 RST4 2 Enroute
05/23/2024 08:28:15 LCRS 1 10-8 (Avail)
05/23/2024 08:37:32 RST4 1 10-8 (Avail)
LOC: 1652 N HIGHWAY 1223
LAT: +036.995945
LON: -084.1059852
T=0 ALT UNC=00000
single vehicle a little in road just after the exit
Candido’s Owner Request
08:26:54 3703JS:
08:26:54 3703JS:
08:26:54 3703JS:
08:28:15 3720sc:Removed Unit – LCRS
08:29:25 3703JS:Removed Unit – LAS2
08:31:20 3703JS:Removed Unit – WKFD
08:37:15 3720sc:604 ADV 10-45 ONLY.
08:37:32 3703JS:Removed Officer – Rescue
09:00:15 3703JS:Incident Closed
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