Special Detail at 1300 E Hal Rogers Pky, London,
Agency: LCRS Laurel County Rescue Service
Incident Nr: 202400010185
Location: 1300 E Hal Rogers Pky, London,
Latitude: 37.148084
Longitude: -084.077137
Common Name: North Laurel High School
Activity: LSD Special Detail
Disposition: 7 Code 701
Time reported: 06/15/2024 1:08:40 PM
Incident Time:
DI Dispatch 06/15/2024 13:08:46
EN Enroute 06/15/2024 13:55:12
AS On Scene 06/15/2024 14:10:11
CP Complete 06/15/2024 14:13:39
Unit Status Changes:
13:49:37 3733RD:
13:49:39 3733RD:
13:50:44 3733RD:
13:55:13 3746nj:
13:58:29 3746nj:Removed Unit – P838
13:58:29 3746nj:Removed Officer – 838JW
14:13:39 1133GA:Incident Closed by MDT
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